The Ultimate Taboret

I've been very lazy about posting and plan to change that for 2013 (New Years Resolution) although it would look as if that has not happened yet.   This is mainly because of a water  break at the house which has taken up far more time than  I would have ever  imagined!  This will all change very soon as I hope to start painting daily again so please continue  to visit my site.

The main reason for this post is to let you know of  some fabulous taboret plans that a good friend of mine has recently made available.  I got mine last night and  they are not only thorough and detailed but mapped out for those of us who  are visual.  Garry (Kravit) is a wonderful artist and designed the "Ultimate Taboret" with all the features an artist could possible want.   He also makes himself available in case  there are any questions in the building/assembly.