Wow! Another blessing!

This one was tucked away in my spam folder!  One of my pieces was selected to be a finalist in The Artist Magazine 30th annual national competition!  I am honored to have one of my pieces to be chosen among so many talented artists works!  There were over 6000 entries this year.  Can't begin to express my excitement when I  found out!  Here's the special seal I may post as a finalist.  The website for The Artist Magazine is posted too.  They offer wonderful articles when you sign up for their newsletters.

Pepper Sauce

I love to be surrounded by color.  It energizes me and makes me smile...:)  So, it's a natural fit that Homer Laughlin's Fiesta dishes are my favorite dishes for everyday use as well as collecting (vintage and discontinued pieces).  The pepper shaker in this painting is a vintage Fiesta shaker.   The striking deep red pottery vase is by Mary Lee Floreschuetz, a potter who sells at Framers Gallery in Georgetown.  The painting will be going to Cactus Jacks Fine Art Gallery in Gruene, Texas.

Pepper Sauce
Oil on Linen Panel

Embroidered Treasure

Before my mother passed away, she gave me a few of her hand made table runners, doilies and various other textiles which I've been  using in  some of my art work.  I  pulled this beautiful  embroidered  panel from my keepsake drawer and  decided to stage it with  some antique enamel pieces I  had.  The tall pitcher is an old milk jug -  my understanding is the farmers would pour the fresh milk into a pitcher of this sort for serving.  If anyone out there knows different - please let me know...  The small tea pot is part of my collection as is the ladle and cup.  The speckled blue enamel is one of my favorites - bright and cheerful.  The oil in the painting  has sunken in a bit and I'll be either oiling it out or  putting some varnish on it soon.    Thought I'd  post a pic of it since it's been a while since I've posted.  (I haven't been posing the small pieces I've  done...   )

Embroidered Treasure
oil on linen